We moved! Quay, Celia and I are now living in our own little townhouse. We have a lot more unpacking and organizing to do. It’s pretty tough moving with a 16 week old baby girl. Especially when she’s looking at you like this…

mygirlWe are going to miss Boston very much and I know Celia Rose is going to miss being snuggled 24/7 by Gramma, Papa, Uncle Markie and all of her aunties. It’s a very bittersweet move.


Well I just wanted to share this quick update with you. We are so busy here in Little Rhody! Thanks for checking in!

xoxo Liz


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4 thoughts on “HOME SWEET HOME

  1. So cute, and I love those big cheeks! Reminds me of another cutie when she was little!
    And welcome back to RI!

  2. I remember when your Mom and Dad and you moved from my house. You were 6 months old! I was heartbroken so I kind of know how Mom feels right now. It is something you need to do for yourselves! I’m happy for you all. Can’t wait to see you in February!! Love you xoxoxo

  3. I love it!!! I’m glad I got to see her in action!!! I am happy for you guys, but I do miss you very much!!!! I love ya!!!

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