Celia Rose certainly had a wonderful and eventful first Christmas. We kicked it off on Christmas Eve at my Aunt Janice’s house in Canton like we always do. It’s filled with fun, food and the Christmas Story marathon. And we were so excited to continue the traditions for the next generation. This is all I could manage with a 12 week old and a 17 month old. But aren’t they just the cutest?
We then went home to open our traditional Christmas pajamas and pick out one gift to open early. A little bittersweet thinking this was the last year waking up Christmas morning with my siblings and I would love to say “I WILL NEVER BE TOO OLD FOR MATCHING CHRISTMAS JAMMIES!” but it’s time to pass on the tradition to Celia and start new ones of our own.
Santa was very, very good to little Miss Celia Rose. She loved her new Melissa & Doug elephant! And of course she still loves staring at the tree. Although I don’t think she’ll be too sad to see it go because she got a ton of light up toys! She already loves them all and has started reaching for things!
After spending the morning with Gramma, Papa and all her aunties and Uncle Mark in Boston, we headed down to Bristol, RI to celebrate with my dad’s side of the family. Celia Rose got lots of love, hugs and presents! How adorable is little Uncle Ryan?!
And on to Warwick where Celia was spoiled even more by Quay’s side of the family. As always she had fun with Auntie Say and Celia also met some family friends for the first time. She really hit it off with Toy Pop!
By the end of the night we were exhausted but that didn’t stop us from making one more stop at my Aunt Barbara and Uncle Luis’ house. Overall she had an amazing first Christmas filled with so much love and family.
Thank you all for making Celia’s first Christmas a memorable one. It definitely has been my best Christmas yet- I have a beautiful daughter and handsome fiancé… I am so grateful and so very happy to have them both in my life. And that’s right I said fiancé!
I think this news deserves its own post so STAY TUNED!
xoxo Liz
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WOW, what a day!
Beautiful!! Just wish we were there!! I have a friend who has 2sons and a daughter with families of their own and they Still have Christmas eve together with their new matching jammies!!! Celia is so cute and so is her little uncle!!! Is that a blue diamond???
You all look great!! LOVE YOU!!!!
So glad you had a wonderful Christmas and congratulations!