Age: 3 months old
Weight: 11+ lbs
Height: 23+ inches
Watch Me Grow:
Milestones: We put her in the Bumbo for the first time a few weeks ago & she loves it! The better to see what big sister is up to of course!
She also celebrated her first major holiday. She was the cutest little Piglet. If you want to see pictures just head on over to my last post: GOODBYE OCTOBER :)
She’s been laughing for awhile now but I’m going to consider this month as getting our first real belly laugh out of her. Haven’t caught the big one on camera but there are some cute little ones in this vlog if you want to check it out: BABY’S FIRST LAUGH.
Sleep: She sleeps through the night like a champ & still loves being all swaddled up for bed. As far as naps go she absolutely loves snoozing in her carseat when we are out & about. I think she has gotten so used to it that when I stay home with her she barely sleeps for me during the day! We’ll have to work on a better at home routine & one that coincides with Celia’s naps ;)
Best Moment: I’ve just been enjoying all the smiles & “talks” we have. She’s been cooing up a storm & gives the biggest smiles that just melt my mama heart. Seriously. They’re big :D
Eating: This past week I think she might be going through a growth spurt because it seems like if she’s awake- she’s nursing. Which I don’t mind. I’m just so happy we’re having a successful time breastfeeding. It was around this age I got mastitis with Celia & started to wean.
Health: Her next doctor’s appointment isn’t until next month but all is well in the health department. She is filling out her 3 month clothes nicely. She is definitely gaining faster than Celia did. Her leg rolls & cheeks just seem to keep getting bigger & bigger. My god, this girl is so scrumptious.
Things I Want To Remember: I want to remember the sweet moments when I’m nursing her & she looks up at me making eye contact. She stops & gives me this big milky smile. How I tell her, “I’ll eat you up I love you so” & how she reaches her fingers up to my lips. I never want to forget these sweet moments with my little Ellie belly. And I certainly don’t want to forget each & every one of her adorable facial expressions.
Big Sis/Lil Sis: Here are both my girls at 3 months! And here’s the link to Celia’s: THREE MONTH UPDATE.
also just want to add this: one bumbo, one outfit, one giraffe, TWO BABIES!
Celia is top left & bottom right. Eloise is top right & bottom left!
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She is so very special, just like Celia. Two beautiful little ones. Thank you for keeping us up to date. Hope to be out East some time this next fall. Can’t wait to see them in person and may be steal a couple of hugs. Love Keith and Mary.