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Age: 6 months old
Weight: 16 lbs
Height: 26 inches
(My guesses- she goes in for her checkup in a couple weeks.)

Watch Me Grow: 


Milestones: Eloise cut her first tooth last month! It was a couple of restless nights but on January 26th her bottom left tooth finally came through. She loves feeling it with her tongue. So darn cute!


She also has been working on sitting up on her own. (Which by the time I published this post- she’s mastered it!)

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Sleep: Now that the teething pains have subsided.. at least for now… she’s sleeping great at night in her crib. She wakes up around 4am & comes in our bed to sleep with us until big sister wakes up. She’s so good. She nurses & we’re both back to sleep within minutes. For naps, she takes a morning one around 10am & then an afternoon with big sis. Most days their nap overlaps for an hour. YESSSSSS!

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Best Moment: Eloise’s first time playing in the snow. Lots of cute pictures of it in my previous post: here. How adorable is this little snowbunny?! She’s such an easygoing babe. She’s happy to just be close to me in her carrier watching big sister. This baby carrier was the best purchase EVER. She loves being in it & I get to snuggle her while being handsfree to help Celia / get some housework done. It’s perfect for being out & about, too.


Eating: She’s still mostly nursing but we’ve now moved on to fruits & veggies as well. Frozen bananas in her teething feeder are definitely a favorite.


Health: This girl is growing fast. She’s in 6 month clothing & has so many delicious new rolls. The chubby little fingers that are constantly in her mouth are just so scrumptious. I’m always asking if I can have a bite too :D

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Things I Want To Remember: When she nurses, her hands search for my mouth. She loves to play with my lips, looking up at me with her big brown eyes. With her other hand she searches for her foot & when she grabs on she swings it back & forth over my belly. She gets a kick out of it & always gives me the biggest milky smiles. Oh goodness I love this little girl & thank God for her everyday. She has been a true blessing in our lives. Both our girls have been. I just cannot believe how fast the time is going. How has it been half a year already?! Does time speed up with each kid or what??? Feels like I just took this perfect little baby home from the hospital last week & yet here I am with this beautiful cherub who is eating solids, sitting up & has a tooth!


Big Sis/Lil Sis: Here is the link to Celia’s SIX MONTH UPDATE.


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