We got a new camera! And what better way to test it out than Celia Rose’s first time at the park. She had an absolute blast if you can’t tell by these pictures.

swing7 swing6 swing3 swing2 swing4 swing5 swing1

I also caught her standing up in her crib the other day. First time pulling herself up and standing on her own. Needless to say we lowered her mattress. What a big girl!

thing2 thing1 thing3

So we’re loving the new camera. My favorite feature is definitely the hybrid mode where it captures a couple seconds of video right before you take the photo. We didn’t even know it was doing it at the time! So cool! You can see some of them at the end of this little video.

And last but not least our wedding photos are on their way! Expect a post soon! 
xoxo Liz

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4 thoughts on “SWINGS & THINGS

  1. Looks like a beautiful day for a first swing ride! She is growing up so fast…pulling herself up in the crib!!! I can’t believe it!

  2. Love love love it!!!! She is just too darn cute!!! Can’t wait to see the wedding pics!!!!

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