It was a fun weekend full of family, food & wayyyyyyyy too much candy! We started out by heading up to Boston. Celia got to paint (or as she would say ‘pay’) eggs with Gramma & Lala. As well as get a few photography tips from Gigi.
We also got to go to the park! Finally some spring weather around here. Celia is such a busy little toddler & we’ve been dying to get out in the fresh air. I can’t believe my baby is climbing all over & going down slides by herself. What a big girl!
I mean just look at the difference from last year… (click here for last year’s Easter post featuring a photo shoot of my 6 month old chubs!)
And yes that is as close as she would get to that bunny. Not so camera ready Mommy even had to sit with her. Can’t believe next year there will be another little one in an Easter dress. I am so excited & happy to see our little family grow.
Of course no holiday weekend would be complete without plenty of stops to all of our family. Sunday we headed on down to Bristol where Celia got to hunt for eggs with Uncle Ryan. I’d say they both made out pretty well!
After spending the afternoon there, we went to dinner at Coco’s house. Where Celia got spoiled even more. Thanks Auntie Say for the new kicks! She can’t wait to show them off :)
I hope everyone had a wonderful & blessed weekend with the ones you love! We certainly did!
xoxo Liz
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What a difference a year makes! It was a beautiful day.
Love you all – Gma!