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Age: 4 months old
Weight: 13 lbs 11.5 oz
Height: 23+ inches

Watch Me Grow: 


Milestones: A few days after she hit 4 months- she rolled over for the first time! From her back to her belly. It takes her awhile but she’s done it a few more times since then.


She also went in her exersaucer for the first time last month. She loves it just as much as big sis did. She loves playing in there with her toys, reaching & grabbing for anything she can bring to her mouth to munch on.


Ellie belly had her first Turkey Day. She was so good with everyone. Definitely doesn’t mind being passed around which is great. If I remember correctly it was around this age Celia started having “stranger” anxiety. But anyway- tons of cute pics from Thanksgiving in the last post if you missed it :)

Sleep: A few weeks ago we stopped swaddling her & started putting her in the sleepsacks. She transitioned like a pro, still sleeping through the night. She definitely has a favorite sleeping position. She always turns her head & shoulder up to the left. I’ll have to remember to snap a photo. It really is the cutest thing.

Best Moment: When Daddy needed a haircut so we took this comparison photo. I’m absolutely loving Ellie’s hair these days.

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Worst Moment: I think just realizing that I can’t do all the things I did for Celia, for Eloise. I feel bad that I don’t have more time to just let her nap in my arms or spend as much time on the floor with her & her toys or to write all my wonderful thoughts & feelings about being her mommy like I’ve done with Celia. I feel bad that I barely write in this blog anymore & that she’s almost 5 months old & I’m just now doing this 4 month update (although all the stats & photos I’m using are still from last month).

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Eating: Eloise has now officially been breastfeeding longer than Celia & it is going really well … I mean can’t ya tell? Just look at these rolls.

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Health: Her doctor’s appointment was a couple weeks ago & Dr. D says she’s perfect! She was average for weight & height. Although she is just about the same weight as Celia at this age, she is definitely filling out her clothes faster. 3 months are getting a little tight these days!


Things I Want To Remember: I want to remember her slobbery kisses. How she opens her mouth wide & searches for my face. I loved this age & those kisses when Celia was little. So glad Eloise loves to give them just as much!


Big Sis/Lil Sis: Here are both my girls at 4 months! And here’s the link to Celia’s: FOUR MONTH UPDATE.


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