Completely slacking on the blog updates these days but I can’t keep this scrumptious photo shoot to myself any longer…

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And you know big sis had to get in on the action. These two! <3

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If these look familiar that’s because this is the second time I got to pull out the bunny ears & Easter eggs for a photo op. Here’s the link to my first chubby bunny two years ago!


Another first holiday for Eloise under her belt. Not many more before she’s 1 in August :( But Easter was a great one. We kicked it off at my dad’s painting some eggs… super cool superhero eggs, to be exact!


Of course we got in a visit to the Easter Bunny which went better than expected. Eloise may be questioning why we would let it hold her when big sister wouldn’t even sit near him- although she would tolerate sitting close by in her own chair. Too funny!

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On Easter morning, we woke up in Boston to an egg hunt & Celia’s very own tricycle!

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We then headed to my grandmother’s for an Easter brunch where Celia & Ryan searched for eggs/ ate lots of yummy treats.


Here’s a fun look at some photos we’ve taken for the past three Easters! Look how much they’ve all grown. Plus we’ve added a little one ;) I’ll link last year’s Easter blog post in case you want to take a trip down memory lane. I sure did. One of the reasons I’m still chugging along with this blog. I just love looking back at it!


We made one more stop to Quay’s family & then headed home where the Easter bunny had one last surprise for the girls.


I just love these two with all my heart. I’m so lucky to spend these special days with them & the whole family. I’m also lucky they’re such great sleepers & when I’m not busy taking advantage of that to catch up on my own sleep- I can blog! So excuse the errors & run-on sentences. Goodnight everyone ;)

xoxo Liz


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