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Age: 2 months old
Weight: 11 lbs (They usually never weigh the girls with their clothes on but this time they did & they were bundled up pretty good because it was so chilly out. Either way she still has like a pound over her big sis when Celia was this age!)
Height: 22.5 inches

Watch Me Grow: One month ago & now!


Milestones: She holds her head up really well & almost rolled over stomach to back at tummy time the other day. She’s definitely a strong little munchkin. I’ll have to get the Bumbo out soon!

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Yup, that was her completely passing out during tummy time. Too cute! Also I think Daddy would certainly like to add watching her first Pats game to the milestones.

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She is also cooing & smiling up a storm these days. Here’s a short little snippet of the cuteness!

A video posted by @lizziefresh on

Sleep: She is most certainly following in her sister’s footsteps of being a great little sleeper. She only wakes up once a night for us & it’s usually 1am on the dot. She gets changed, nurses & then is swaddled right back up in her bassinet where she falls back to sleep on her own. Also on occasion, nap time looks like this :)

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Best Moment: Eloise was baptized on September 13th (coincidentally Celia was July 13th). She didn’t even flinch when the priest poured the Holy Water on her head. She was perfectly still. She is such a good baby, she also didn’t mind being passed around the whole party. She snoozed right through it!

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Eating: We’re still going strong breastfeeding. No problems whatsoever which I am so unbelievably happy with. I struggled with Celia for four months. This time around it was tough for just a couple weeks & then smooth sailing. Crossing my fingers we continue this way. Although nursing can be a lot of work- I am so grateful that I am able to do it. And Eloise is gaining beautifully, her scrumptious new rolls can attest to that. 

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Health: We went to the doctor’s this week & she was in the 75th percentile for both height & weight. Our little Ellie belly also got her first shot. Again it was more traumatizing for me than my baby. She cried for like 5 seconds. My girls definitely handle their shots like champs. Celia also got one & didn’t make a peep!

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Things I Want To Remember: I want to remember how much my girls love each other already. Celia always needs to know where baby sister is at all times. She always wants to hold her & share toys with her. Eloise loves her right back. She is mesmerized by her & always gives Celia the BIGGEST smiles. It leaves my heart in a puddle every single time.


Big Sis/Lil Sis: Everyone loved the comparison of Celia & Eloise at the same age last time- mainly because they couldn’t tell it was two different babies at first! So I decided to keep doing them. I’ll also add the link to Celia’s Two Month Update.


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  1. So fun! I look forward to seeing more comparisons. You are lucky they are both such easy babies!

  2. She is such. Good baby. Celia seems to love her little sister. Hope we will be out to see her this year. LOVE

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