Celia’s second session of her swim classes just ended. We already can’t wait to start back up again. Celia loves being in the water & I’m amazed at how much she’s learned so far. Like closing her eyes & mouth underwater and reaching for the wall. Even starting to climb up it a bit! Now that’s some upper body strength.

As you can see she has lots of different suits- thank you Granma Roser! These will come in handy next month! ;) Yes, we’re heading to Florida again in February! We can’t wait! We’ll be flying down (interested to see how that goes with a then 16 month old) & staying for 2 weeks!!!! Crazy! We are really looking forward to relaxing, we’ve been nonstop for months so this really is very much needed and wanted. Here’s the beautiful beach from last year (where Quay & I got married!). I know our little water baby will certainly enjoy it this year!
xoxo Liz
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She reminds me of Quay. He loved the water. When we took he and Sabra on a trail ride there was a pool at camp. He got the name “Water Doggie”. Love the update.
Great post! I love seeing all these pictures of Celia!
Love! Gma