Age: 12 months old
Weight: 20 lbs
Height: 30 inches
Watch Me Grow:
Milestones: She says ‘mamama’ & ‘da’. Usually we have to prompt her first. She’s still doing a lot of non decipherable baby chatter. I also just realized- have I ever wrote that she knows some baby signs? She’s been doing ‘please’ for months now. She just started ‘milk’, ‘finished/all done’, & ‘thank you’. Here she is patting her chest which means please… probably looking for another graham cracker.
Sleep: We’re down to one nap a day. She still takes it on the earlier side but I’m hoping to keep pushing it back more & more so that she makes it until lunch. That way she’s less cranky in the late evening. She still doesn’t nap in her crib but she sleeps there at night… that is until she wakes up in the early early morning so she can come sleep with us. We don’t mind the snuggles though, especially with these little piggies :)
Best Moment: We had a playdate at an indoor play place & she had a blast. It was so much fun watching her run around with the kids. She was also obsessed with the bubbles. Too cute.
Speaking of too cute. Her & Bauer. They’re the best of friends. It makes me so happy to watch them together.
I also have to say that her birthday was the best. I think I’ll be making a post separately about her day… and then of course one about her party!
Worst Moment: I’m just going to be completely honest here. She finally did it. She s–t in the tub. Ugh. Enough said. Here’s a better moment when she was having fun in the sink ;)
Eating: Celia’s a great little eater & will eat anything we put in front of her. I’d have to say her favorite food right now is corn on the cob… she could go to town on that thing for hours if we let her.
We’ve also started the transition to whole milk. At first she would only take it warmed up but after a couple days of only offering it cold during the day she got used to it & now loves her milk cold anytime! Pretty sure we’ll be done with the bottle this month, too. Can’t believe my little baby is turning into such a toddler!
Health: Dr. D says she’s perfect! Average weight & head circumference, 80th percentile for height (what? I don’t know how that happened since she has Quay & I for parents). She has four teeth now, two came in on top & Dr. D said her gums are all swollen so more will be cutting through soon. And by the way, my daughter is an absolute champ. He gave her three shots at her 1 year check-up & she was all smiles with him right afterwards. Definitely braver than mama. And much cooler. Check out the dress & converses she rocked at her great grandfather’s surprise party.
Things I Want To Remember: How sweet & spicy my little toddler is turning out to be. What I mean by that is one minute I will be telling her ‘NO!’ & she’ll give me a sassy smile, running off to do just the opposite of what I say. Then the next she’ll be coming up behind me & hug my leg or arm. She’s definitely been so sweet lately. She loves to snuggle & freely give kisses (before I’ve always had to beg or steal them)!
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What fun! Such a precious age!
Great post – what a difference a year makes! So many enjoyable moments!
Love you – Gma!!
Liz and Quay it is so obvious the amoun af time and all the LOVE you have given has made her into the special little girl she is. Can’t wait to meet her. Love