Age: 10 months old
Weight: 18 lbs 6 oz
Height: 28.5 inches
(These are just estimates from home & it’s about the same as last month but I’ve noticed she’s getting a little leaner. We’ve got an active girl on our hands!)
Watch Me Grow:
Milestones: She now fully understands the word “no”. She always stops when she hears it. For example if she is crawling somewhere she shouldn’t be & I say “no”. She’ll either stop & pout, sticking out her bottom lip, threatening tears OR she stops, smiles at me, then takes off as fast as she can in that direction. My little stinker!
ALSO It’s happened. Her first steps. She’s still not full out walking but she does step here & there. We’ve got a record of 10 so far! So proud of my baby girl. Here she is trying to run before she walks!
Sleep: Still doing great at night. Teething doesn’t seem to be bothering her at the moment. Still just the two bottom ones in. Which makes for the cutest little smile! She also still takes two naps during the day which mama is loving.
Best Moment: Watching Celia have the time of her life in the water! She is such a little waterbug. She had a great time the other day splashing in the pool with Gramma. She also loved all the attention from Lala, Uncle Markie & friends!
Worst Moment: Today when I took the picture below & realized just how big she is. LOOK AT HER! She looks like a little girl in this shot! Where’s my baby?!?!
Eating: Her new favorites this month are eggs, cheese & chicken. She especially loves hard boiled eggs which we keep on hand for when we have something for dinner that she can’t have yet. She can’t get enough! Oh and Cheerios- this girl loves her Cheerios!
Health: We’ve got one happy & healthy 10 month old! Smart, too! She’s obsessed with books right now. Yes, she likes when we read to her but even more so she likes flipping through the pages on her own. Or just throwing each and every one off the bookshelf. It’s her new favorite game. Throwing things. Off the bookshelf. Out of the toy box. Off her high chair. Out of her crib…
She knows how to make quite the mess these days. But I don’t mind. Not with a face like this!
Things I Want To Remember: Her mad face. When she’s frustrated with me, she leans her head back, clenches & shakes a little. I don’t know how to really describe it but it is the funniest thing. 10 months going on 13. It’s so hard not to laugh, which she loves, so she does it even more. This has been a great month of her showing off her little personality & many, many expressions. She’s being a lot more vocal, too. I’m sure first words are around the corner.
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Keith and I both can’t wait to see your updates. When they arrive I immediately find Keith. We enjoy so much in being able to watch her grow. The picture of her in the chair shows how much she has changed. There are no words that can express how much we appreciate news the updates. I am looking forward to seeing Sabra and taking to her about Celia. Love you guys!
Great post! Love, GMA
Can’t get enough of this girl!!