We’ve been back from vacation for over a week now & it has already snowed way too many times for my liking. Even so we were very lucky to escape this frozen tundra for 16 whole days! We went to beautiful Port Charlotte to visit family and soak up the sun.

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Of course we were scheduled to leave for Florida the day of a storm. We were able to leave a day early but we still got delayed and ended up having to stay in Baltimore overnight…. with no suitcases… limited baby supplies… ya know… like diapers. Yeah that was fun. But very much worth it to be flying south. Celia did amazing on her first plane ride! Just look at her. A little pro!

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We had an amazing time staying at my grandparent’s house. I miss waking up there with them and my sisters and being able to walk right outside into sunshine. Celia was over the moon being able to run around in all the GREEN! She even got to pick some oranges from Poppy’s tree.

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It was so nice having everyone so close. We had my grandparent’s house, and then two of my mom’s sisters have houses down there as well.  My grandparent’s on my father’s side live just a town over so we were able to spend some time with them too!

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In addition, Quay’s mother was also down in the area and we got to hang out at her pool. The water was a little cold but that certainly didn’t stop the kids. Celia loves the water. Thanks Coco!

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Of course we hit the beach in Boca Grande a couple times, too. Nothing like hanging out in the gulf of Mexico!

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We were able to take a ride to the Red Sox spring training. We got a tour and saw the catchers and pitchers practicing.

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Another cool thing we did down there was visit Big Cat Habitat and Gulf Coast Sanctuary. Celia loved seeing all the tigers, lions and bears up close. They even had a little petting zoo that she got to experience.

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I do have to say one of my favorite things about our trip was having so many babysitters on hand. Did I mention Gramma, Papa & all of Celia’s aunties (minus Auntie Say who is down there now!) and her Uncle Markie were there? Yup. Celia absolutely loved it & I know she’s missing them now. I sure am! Celia had her own personal stylists this trip. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that she also had a twin… don’t think I didn’t notice Titi!

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So Quay & I were able to get out by ourselves a few times. One of which was for our one year wedding anniversary! We stayed in Boca Grande for the night. It was perfect- we went to a nice little restaurant by the water and we also got to go back to the exact spot where we were married, which is now actually covered by water.

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We even drove down the road where this picture was taken. Such a beautiful spot. I already told Quay we’ll be moving there soon… into the mansions…


But for now we’re here. In snowy New England. We’ll be dreaming of sunshine & waiting for summer (I’m pretty sure we’ll still be seeing this snow in Spring). The grandparents will all be coming up, trying to convince my Aunt, Uncle & cousin Niko to as well! Celia had a great time with them.

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PLEASE AUNTIE?! Don’t you want to hold a squishy, sweet smelling, newborn babe in August???? Yes, I’m sure you all know by now. We’re expecting baby #2! Look out for a post about it coming soon :)

xoxo Liz

(EDIT: Totally forgot to add this super awesome video that my sister Maggie made of our trip! Check it out here ->

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  1. Wow, what a great trip. Celia always makes me smile. We will be in RI on the 13th of May and leaving on the 17th. We really need to get together. I can’t wait to meet Miss Celia!

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