Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

How far along? 28 weeks, 4 days!

How big is baby? Approximately the size of a large eggplant, weighing in around 2.5 lbs and measuring 16 inches from head to heel.

Gender? GIRL 

Maternity clothes? I’ve finally taken out my old maternity clothes because I’ve officially stretched out every tank top I own. Better stick to maternity from here on out.

Sleep? I’ve been sleeping SOOOOOOO much better with my Mother’s Day present: a snoogle! It’s a full body pillow made especially for pregnant mamas but I foresee me using this thing FOREVER. It does wonders. However it does not stop me waking up several times in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. And so it begins!

Best moment this week? Passing the 1 hour glucose test! Last time I went over a few points and had to do the even more dreadful 3 hour test. Not this time!!! WOOO!!! Bring on the Ben & Jerry’s! (Kidding… but not really…)

Miss anything? The weather is starting to get warmer & we’ve already made two trips down the cape. Makes me miss a nice, cold beer. Or two.

Movement? Lots of little kicks & tons of hiccups. Daddy feels them all the time now :)

Food cravings? Chocolate pudding, watermelon, milk… & yes I could totally do all three at once!

Anything making you queasy or sick? Smells. Definitely smells. Also now anytime my hair accidentally goes in my mouth I immediately gag & have to remove it ASAP or else, ya know.

Have you started to show yet? Absolutely. I feel huge. Although someone just yesterday said she didn’t even know I was pregnant until I said so. I really don’t know how I feel about that.

Belly Button in or out? In. Not expecting it to pop either.

Wedding rings on or off? Off.

Happy or moody most of the time? I’d say happy most of the time but I definitely have my moments. I’ve noticed a lot more irrational crying. A commercial may or may not have gotten me the other day.

Looking forward to? Going through all of Celia’s old baby things & clothes. It will probably be another tearfest as I reminisce the big sis as a little newborn. I really don’t like this thing called time & how it just seems to fly by when you are a parent!

Just take a look at this little flashback. Pregnant with Celia in the top 3 & then with baby #2 on the bottom!

celiapreggo1 7month1

And of course no post is complete without Celia Rose making an appearance. She is going to be the best big sister. She’s already practicing feeding & changing her baby dolls. She always asks to read her book “I’m A Big Sister”. & she gives baby sis the best kisses already! Melts mamas heart.

Processed with VSCOcam with x1 preset Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

xoxo Liz

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5 thoughts on “

  1. You look beautiful! My favorite pic is the last one. You are glowing. Did I lose a month, though? You are having a baby in 2 months?! What is your official due date? #badgranpapabear

    • Pregnancy math is tricky since it goes by weeks & every month has different weeks… but I am in my 7th month. My doc goes by 27-30 weeks is the 7th month, 31-35 weeks is 8th month, and 36-40 is 9th month. I don’t know it confuses me all the time because everyone/book/site does it differently. But I’m due August 15th! :)

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