Age: 9 months old
Weight: 18 lbs 6 oz
Height: 28.5 inches
Watch Me Grow:
Milestones: This past month Celia has been giving kisses, waving… with both hands… usually at the same time. It really is the cutest thing. And she just started clapping for us this weekend! We got a little slo-mo video of it. I especially can’t take it when she knocks herself in the head a little. Just watch!
Sleep: Her new thing is to wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning & sleep a couple more hours with mommy & daddy. She sleeps well in her crib for the night, but nap times I can’t seem to get her to stay in it. So she usually sleeps downstairs in the living room. With Bauer.
Best Moment: Any time her & Bauer are together. She’s now gotten used to him & loves playing with him… or his toys. She’s always grabbing for Bauer’s toys. Even if it’s currently in his mouth. And he is so good with her. It doesn’t even phase him. He loves her just as much!
Worst Moment: Celia is gonna chime in here and say when mommy & daddy gave her a pickle. I think she’d win in a sour pickle face contest…. (& she went back for more!)
Eating: She pretty much eats anything now. Whatever is too hard, we soften it up. She loves feeding herself. I think her new favorite this month was Shepherd’s Pie. I made it twice & both times she gobbled it up in record time for dinner and lunch the next day.
She also learned how to use a straw. Which is great because I heard it’s better for their teeth. We have one straw sippy now & she loves it.
It kills me that she holds it by the ears instead of the handles. Too stinkin’ cute!
Health: We’ll be heading to the doctors this month for her 9 month checkup so maybe I’ll write a quick little update after that. She seems to be growing just fine. We’re on 6 & 9 month clothes. And we’ve also moved up to big girl baths :)
Things I Want To Remember: I want to remember how sweet my little babe is. How when I ask for kisses or especially when I don’t ask & she just opens her mouth wide and plants one on me. It melts mama’s heart. I also don’t want to forget how funny she is. How sometimes when I ask for those kisses she just waves at me instead. Oh man I love this girl & I cannot believe another month has come and gone.
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I am sending a be hug for you Liz to thank you for all your wonderful posts. Please give her a big kiss from Great Aunt Mary. Love to Quay.