I can’t help but quote the perfect lyrics by Zac Brown Band in honor of Memorial Day…
“I thank God for my life, and for the stars and stripes. May freedom forever fly. Let it ring.
Salute the ones who died, The ones that give their lives so we don’t have to sacrifice all the things we love.”
I hope you all had a great long weekend. We sure did! We were able to spend it down the Cape with family. You can’t beat that.
I really can’t wait for summer. Celia’s going to love the Cape! The water is still too cold but she had fun with her ball pit that Gramma got her… we might need a few more balls though ;) She also got to “drive” the golf cart with our friend, Erin. And as for our dog Ruby-  Celia loves her (she sometimes is startled by her barking but loves her nonetheless). Can’t wait until we bring home our own little pup in June!
md5 md6md3I think it’s safe to say Celia’s favorite thing in the world right now is the swings. She’s always laughing and smiling. It melts my heart. I just love this little girl so much! I’m so lucky to be able to spend this time with her. I want to give a special thank you to all the men and women who have served, are serving and have given their lives for the freedom that we have today.
md2 md9
xoxo Liz

(Edit: Also Celia just wanted to thank her Great Gramma Jeanne for these two outfits- too cute!)

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  1. Such a cutie! She looks like she had a great time. Can’t wait to spend some time with you all this summer.

  2. She is growing too fast!! I’m glad you had a good week-end! Can’t wait to see you all sometime next week!!! LOVE YOU! XOXOXO

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