We are sooooooo excited to welcome our second baby in August!

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There is new testing you can do these days around 12 weeks where they draw my blood & can test for genetic disorders as well as the baby’s gender. The results were ready while we were down in Florida. Everything came back great as far as genetics. For the gender reveal we had a special little gathering. My midwife left the results on my voicemail so we went to the party store & let a worker listen to it. Without ANYONE else knowing she filled a box with either blue or pink balloons. Here’s what we saw when we opened it….


Glitter, pigtails & tutus OH MY!


I’m so happy Celia gets to have a sister close in age just like I did. It really is such a special bond & I can’t wait to have both my girls snuggled in my arms.


We’ve had quite a few ultrasounds, very convenient that the machine is in my doctor’s office. Everything is looking great and going really well. We’re just so happy & very blessed!

xoxo Liz

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2 thoughts on “

  1. We are so happy for all of you! There is something very special about having a sister. We are looking forward to seeing you. Take care. Love

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