I have so much to be thankful for this year. Especially the fact that Quay & I get to hold/squeeze/kiss this little butterball every single day.

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Of course we’re not forgetting our other little butterball!

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Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday and this year, if you can believe it, I saw a lot of ungratefulness on social media. About silly things. It really irked me. But more so than anything it just put things into perspective for me. I was able to enjoy a lot of amazing food but most importantly I spent time with my family. It’s people that matter. I got to hang out with the family, relax, play games, talk… I’m so grateful for them. For their health.

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I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family & friends! You better believe the decorations are out & the Christmas music is blasting at our home. This may or may not have happened before any turkey was even had ;)


xoxo Liz

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3 thoughts on “GIVE THANKS

  1. Glad we got to share a wonderful Thanksgiving eve together we all the fun and laughter!
    Love You – Gma!

  2. Can’t believe how she (and her ‘little buddy’) have grown! Glad you had a wonderful thanksgiving. Really hoping we get to see you over the winter.

  3. Sounds like a great Thanksgiving. Celia and Bauer are growing. We are looking forward to Christmas pictures!

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