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How far along? 20 weeks!

How big is baby? As long as a banana, assuming the banana in question weighs 10.5 oz and is 6.5″ long from head to rump. Starting next week, measurements are from head to toe instead.

Gender? GIRL 

Maternity clothes? More like I live in leggings & yoga pants. I have a box of spring/summer maternity clothes ready to be dug out. Worked out great having an August baby & October 1st baby… not to mention all those girl clothes in the right size in the right season!

Sleep? Can no longer lay on my stomach comfortably which is my go to sleep position :/

Best moment this week? Making it to the halfway point & realizing how close we are to holding our second daughter in our arms! We cannot wait!!!!!

Miss anything? Energy. The ability to stay up past 8pm. Lately Celia & I have the same bedtime!

Movement? Yes! I’ve got a little rolie polie in here. Although I can’t quite feel it on the outside yet. Daddy is patiently waiting for that to happen & I think it could be any day now.

Food cravings? SPICY! I remember craving spicy foods with Celia as well. I would eat Mexican everyday if I could. I’ve also already been through a whole bottle of buffalo sauce. Can’t get enough heat!!!!

Anything making you queasy or sick? It’s happened. The food that I will NEVER be able to eat again even after I’m pregnant. With Celia it was grits & gravy. I shudder just typing it. This time around it’s corned beef. Didn’t have the best St. Paddy’s Day in this house.

Have you started to show yet? Yes, but some clothes still somewhat hide it so there are still people who think it’s just a food baby!

Belly Button in or out? In. It never really popped out with Celia so I don’t expect it to this time around.

Wedding rings on or off? Off. I took them off fairly early because they were a little tight to begin with & we needed to get them resized anyway.

Happy or moody most of the time? I’d say for the first 4 months I’ve been really happy. This last week though I would definitely say MOODY. My husband can attest to that!

Looking forward to? Touring the hospital soon. They have a meet the midwives next month & we plan on going. For Celia, we chose a smaller hospital where it was more personal & we were one of two having babies that night. Now we’re looking at Women & Infants (where I was born!) which is a much bigger, busier hospital but this is their specialty so I know we’ll be well taken care of. Just hope we have as great an experience as we had last time!

20weeks 20weeks1

xoxo Liz

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