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Age: 1 month old
Weight: 9 lbs
Height: 20.5 inches

***** I just wanted to let you know that this post has been written out & just sitting unpublished since the 1st of the month. The major hold up was not taking the chalkboard photo until… today. In just 16 days she’s been growing like crazy but I’ll leave all the new updates for her 2 month post. I’ll try to get that one out on time. It’s just been nonstop in this house- adjusting to life with two kids, potty training, trips to Boston/Cape Cod, bodybuilding show, a Baptism & one very big project that Quay & I are working on ;) …. but I just love looking back on Celia’s “babybook blog” so I’m certainly going to keep up these updates for Eloise’s first year! :)

Big Sis / Little Sis: Despite the fact that Celia & Eloise look similar as babies, especially in their facial expressions, they couldn’t be more opposite in every other way. We had so many breastfeeding struggles with Celia, but it has been much easier with Eloise. Celia projectile vomited after every feeding, Eloise has spit up less than a handful of times. Celia wasn’t a fan of sleeping unless she was held or bath time (surprising since she’s now a little fish), Eloise LOVES the bath & enjoys sleeping solo or nestled into someone. Although they do have some similarities- check out big sister’s One Month Update from 2013!


Milestones: On August 30th, she gave me her first not gassy/milk drunk smile along with those first precious little baby coos. She beat Celia by a day because I specifically remember Celia smiling at me for the first time on Halloween… on camera! This time around I didn’t get a photo but here are some cute sleepy grins & those dimples!!

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She also took her first “real” bath with big sis last week (*** which was actually back in August).

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These girls just melt my heart. I love seeing them together. And in matching outfits!

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Sleep: Looks like this little one is following in big sister’s footsteps of being the best little sleeper ever! At 4 weeks we’re getting a good 6-7 hour stretch in at night, followed by a 3 hour one. YES!

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Best Moment: The first time she was placed on my chest just moments after being born. It’s a truly indescribable feeling & something that I will treasure forever. As well as the first time my darling girls met. It was the absolute sweetest. Here’s the video to prove it!

Worst Moment: It’s hard thinking of a bad moment… maybe just the hilariousness of trying to get both girls in a picture. I can usually get one good one like this:


But most of my camera roll ends up looking like this:


Eating: After a little help from a lactation consultant she is breastfeeding like a champ. Things are going so well & I am really looking forward to nursing her for as long as she’ll let me. She did take her first bottle this past weekend. We went to our good friend’s wedding & since I hadn’t had a drink in a year I thought I’d let myself have a little fun. So I pumped ahead of time & Daddy got to feed her for the first time. She did great with the bottle & then transitioning back. She has been such a sweet, laid back baby. They say your second usually is… I have a feeling it has a lot to do with the parents being that way the second time around.

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Health: Eloise is gaining weight really well. She was 6lbs 5 oz when she left the hospital & is already up to a whole 9lbs. You go, baby girl! She’s still mostly in newborn clothes but I have a feeling she’ll be in 3 months way before her sister got into them. At Ellie’s 1 month appointment, her doctor noticed that she doesn’t like to fully extend her left leg & gives a little resistance. He told us it was nothing to really worry about & to just do some bicycle exercises with her a few times a day. We can already notice her loosening it more. I am just so grateful to have yet another beautiful & healthy baby girl. We are very blessed!

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Things I Want To Remember: I love her newly acquired baby rolls, chubby thighs & wrists really are the cutest thing ever. Her eyes lighting up when she hears our voices & when big sis is doing circles around her or shoving her face so close into her little one (Eloise seems to love it!). I wish we could remember everything. Every little thing. This moment in time as a newborn is so fleeting & I’m just trying to soak it all in. I love you so much my sweet little Ellie belly. You are the perfect addition to our family & as much as I want to keep you little forever, I am very much looking forward to watching you grow & seeing your little personality shine.


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  1. Thank you so much for your wonderful updates, we really enjoy keeping up with your great family. Eloise is just perfect. The two girls together makes us smile.

  2. OK, so you got me bawling again! LOVED the comparison pic of the two girls. I never would have believed they were not the same child!
    Loved spending time with you over the summer. Looking forward to your next update.

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