You’re napping in my arms right now. It’s your birthday so of course I’m letting you. I’m typing with one hand & I’m looking at you while my eyes are filling fast with tears. You’re looking more like a toddler, less & less like that little newborn in my arms a year ago today.


Yes. Today, you are one. Today, we celebrate every piece of you. We’re celebrating that a year ago today, our family of two became a family of three & the completion that you bring is indescribably beautiful.


We’re celebrating your smiles, and screams, and doggie ear pulls. We’re celebrating how excited your dad & I got about your first smile, how we bragged about how well you were holding your head up. I can still hear those first baby giggles, oh how they made us smile! I remember watching you try so hard to roll over for the first time & how proud I was of you when you finally mastered it. Then I blinked & you were crawling… everywhere… & getting into everything. It’s been a whirlwind from there as you learned to walk & boy, are you fast. What an exciting life this has been with you in it! Over the past year you have learned to smile, laugh, roll, sit up, crawl, eat, drink, walk, talk, & best of all, give kisses. I always tell you that you give the best kisses (with a wide open mouth)! You are definitely a one-of-a-kind girl. 

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I also want to take this time, today, to tell you that every hour, minute, second that I am yours, I feel more complete. Truth is you make me better. More loving. More patient. More generous. Not just a better mother, but also a better wife, daughter, sister, & friend. I did not expect that. The part where you teach me things about myself while I am teaching you that falling is okay & loud noises are a part of life. While I am teaching you little lessons, you are transforming the very core of me.


I need you to know that even today, when you are “only” one, I know in my heart that you are specialYou speak only in baby chatter, yet I still know that you are a treasure. I can see all of you & I am already so proud of the the little person that you are becoming. Watching you grow is a gift & this past year has been a blessing but it absolutely flew by. While I’m sad that it did, I am also excited. I’m looking forward to what this next year has in store.

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Happy Birthday, my sweet baby girl. You are simply the best ever.
I love you to the moon & back.
xoxo Mommy


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4 thoughts on “DEAR SLEEPY GIRL

  1. Life is good. Happy Birthday Ladybug. What a beautiful young family. Love the present day and excited and looking forward to the future. All my love.


    I am amazed whenever you do something new, all the things that your Mamma mentioned above – and more. Like when you knew your Mom was YOUR Mom and your Dad was YOUR Dad, how you follow(ed) their every move with your big brown eyes. I love to see you wrinkle your nose with that big smile when you’re being silly and how you reach out for Ryan whenever you’re together! These are the things a (great)grandmother notices because there is nothing more important than love and family – always remember that, okay? You have the perfect parents to show you how its done!
    All my love – Gma XOXO

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