I’m laying here with you sleeping tucked under my arm. Thinking about what to pack for lunch when you and I head to the park. Is this really my life? Two years ago I was trying to figure out what moves to make to start a career that I’d love. And now I am a stay at home mother. All because I met you, the little girl that turned my world upside down. Or right side up, I should say. You are my story. You are all I am about right now. I’m drowning in mommyhood and I’m not even trying to come up for air. I know I’ll only have you little for a few years until one day I will crave and ache for you. One day I will be daydreaming of the days I could just sit and stare at you. I’ll be asking myself did I kiss you enough? Hold you enough? Breathe you in enough? I am very privileged to have this opportunity. Now my job is being your mommy and every one of my days is yours. It has been the absolute best “job” I’ve ever had and you better believe this will be on my resume one day.

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I love you to the moon and back Celia Rose!
xoxo Mommy

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