You know those days… the ones where ya just can’t catch a break? That was yesterday.
Newly changed diaper. Celia’s cue to poop.
Didn’t put cover on puffs. Ninja baby super stretches. Puffs all over floor.
Shower? Yeah right.
Raining. Check.
Nap in crib? Hahahaha.
Auto insurance rep says she’ll be with me in a minute.
20 minutes later and rudest transaction ever. Smell ya later Progressive.
‘Mama you really think you’re gonna get out of my sight today?’ Dishes neglected.
Bathroom break? What’s that?
5:20pm Daddy’s home! But turns out he’s sick as a dog.
Baby asleep by 8. Mama asleep by 8.
I know we all have days like that. But these baby legs? This beautiful smile?
Absolutely worth it.
xoxo Liz
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I am sure there will be plenty more! Keep smiling!
Hang in there, she is so worth it.
You had a bad day and Celia is still smiling! So you did something right!! (Like being a GREAT mom!)
Big hugs to you both! Love you! – GMA