I am loving the weather we’ve been having. Summer is right around the corner. We made our first trip to the Cape this season for Mother’s Day weekend.
I feel like my heart is just so full these days it could literally burst. I am so lucky that I get to hold & kiss & squeeze this little girl every single day. The moments before I get to do the same thing to my second beautiful daughter are dwindling. Quay & I simply cannot wait to be able to hold TWO sweet little babes in our arms.
In the meantime, we are trying to pause & enjoy these next couple months. Celia is at such a fun age. I could watch her play & learn all day. She is too smart, too funny, too cute. Definitely a future softball player like her mama! :)
xoxo Liz
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Beautiful family, beautiful family pictures!
Love to you all – Gma!