We are so excited to announce the arrival of our baby girl, Eloise Kelly, born August 1st at 9:10 pm. She weighed 6lbs 9oz, 19.5 inches long with a full head of beautiful dark hair. She is so incredibly sweet, she loves to sleep & be held, which is just perfect because I never want to put her down! ;) It’s an amazing feeling to bring another baby girl into this world, you always wonder how you will be able to love another child like the one you already have, but then it just happens & it is incredible! My heart is bursting with love & happiness.

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The last couple weeks of my pregnancy my blood pressure was acting up. The third time in a row of it being pretty high, they sent me to labor & delivery. On Friday, July 31st, at 38 weeks I was induced & 24 hours later we were holding our darling baby girl. By 7pm on Saturday I was only 5cm so it was looking like we would have an August 2nd baby on our hands. But nope. Two hours later she was here & following right in her big sister’s footsteps of being born on the 1st of the month.

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Celia is in love with her sister & always asks if she can “take her?”. She absolutely loves holding her, except if she’s crying then she pretty much chucks Eloise at us as fast as she can. She used to call her Ellie in the belly, now it’s Ellie Kelly. She really is already a great big sis. She has her moments of acting out but she’s getting better & helping me out a ton! Nothing like an extra set of little hands running & grabbing more wipes when the baby is crying & there is poop everywhere. Forgot how much there is with newborns!

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Of course we couldn’t resist big sis matching little sis’s coming home outfit :) We think that they look alike in a lot of ways, but not identical. I’m really looking forward to watching both my beautiful girls grow (just not so fast please!!!!!!). Seeing them together melts my heart, I cannot wait until Eloise starts interacting more with big sis. Below are a few photos from Celia’s first time meeting ‘Ellie OUT of the belly’. One of the sweetest, most precious moments of my life.

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Thank you all so much for all of the well wishes! I can’t tell you how much we appreciate it, we have really felt so overwhelmed with love from everyone! I am excited to continue sharing our journey with you as we adjust to life as a family of four.

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xoxo Liz

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  1. Oh my! What a beautiful family! I’ll always be asking you, “What are the girls doing”?… Just like I always asked Dad, “What are the girls doing”? This is the Circle of Life!
    Love you – Gma!!!

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