So I thought it’d be fun to go through a typical day with Celia Rose to see how much our schedule changes as she grows. Right now she is 5 weeks old and we don’t really have a set routine yet. I’m still feeding her on demand and some days she doesn’t want to sleep while others that’s all she seems to do.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
12am – Changed, nursed and swaddled. I placed her in her crib, she woke up a little so I gave her a binky and turned on her Sleep Sheep noise maker (which she loves!). Usually this is when Daddy has to rock her for awhile but tonight she just made some noises (frightening-new mom-shake daddy awake to peek over and make sure she’s okay- noises) and then fell back to sleep.
5am – Yes! We got a solid 5 hours of sleep in! I’m usually the one to hear her rustling about and make a point to nudge Quay awake before she’s full out crying. We have a pretty good system going. He does the diaper changing at night while I do the feeding. Yay for teamwork!
6am – Quay had to get up for work early today. I was still nursing Celia so we got our kisses from Daddy and wished him a good day at work. Whenever Quay leaves for work (around 8) Celia stays in bed with me to nurse and then we both get a little more sleep (sometimes a couple hours, sometimes a couple minutes).
9am – Another 3 hours? WOO! Now we’re both up for the day. I nurse her, change her diaper and get her dressed. We usually do a little tummy time in the morning. Some days she’s all for it, some days not so much. Today was a good day!
Baby girl is getting so strong! She loves looking at Freddie the Firefly and Laugh & Learn Puppy. And around this time, if I’m lucky enough, Auntie Michelle or Gramma (on her days off, like today!) will be home and will snuggle with Celia while I sneak off to shower, brush my teeth, use the bathroom, eat!
11:30am – I like to get out of the house with her a few times a week so today I nursed her and then we hit the road. We went shopping and had some lunch with Gramma! Well… Celia slept the whole time. Which is typical. She loves snoozing in her carrier!
3pm – We got home and baby girl woke up. I changed and nursed her. About this time her uncle and aunties are getting home and come looking for Celia to get some cuddles in. Uncle Mark and Auntie Livie went through some of their old books today and gave some to her…
She certainly won’t lack in the stuffed animal and book department!
5pm – Celia stares at the light. I kid you not. She loves lights! No matter what room we are in her gaze always gravitates toward the light. Who knew?
7pm – Celia had nursed on and off since we got home. Basically I am her human pacifier. But Daddy finally arrived! And just in time to burp her.
Usually Quay gets home a little after 6pm but today he had some things to do after work. Depending on if Celia is sleeping or not we’ll either switch off and eat dinner or both grab something to eat. Tonight she was fighting sleep so Quay got to spend some quality awake time with her.
8pm – Bath time! We don’t give her one every night. Sometimes I’ll just do a warm facecloth. And Celia hasn’t really been a fan of baths but tonight she didn’t seem to mind after awhile!
And she definitely doesn’t like being cold! So we wrap her up quick, and get her nice and cozy in her jam-jams. And depending on what night it is we usually watch some TV with the rest of the family. Tonight I nursed her while we watched The Voice (Go Caroline! I love her. Quay’s favorite is Matthew Schuler.) She then slept in Daddy’s arms for a little while we watched The Vampire Diaries… (Hey! No judging!)
10pm – Quay gets some Zzzz’s, I nurse Celia and catch up on social media. And even blog!
11pm – Daddy gives her a 2oz bottle of formula. We’ve been supplementing just to get her used to it for when I go back to work in January. He then swaddles her in the swaddleme (she busts out of receiving blankets now) and rocks her to sleep. And then we start all over again!
Did I mention we go through about 12 of these bad boys a day?
Wow, this turned out to be a lot longer of a post then I thought. I hope I didn’t bore/waste your time too much! But thanks for reading anyways!
xoxo Liz
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Thank you, thank you , thank you … it will never be to much and every pix, every story leaves a smile on my face.. I find myself constantly tuning into my ipad always hoping for a new “Celia-gram”…
Loved reading about your day with Celia! Quay looks like a pro at burping her. She changes every time I see a new pic.
I love this!!! I am so happy to hear about all that is going on with my second favorite little girl!! Of course Lola’s number 1!!! I miss you and CANNOT wait until January when you come back to play!!! Love ya!!!
I really enjoy all your posts and the pictures. Don’t stop.
I love hearing about my little Celia!! You will never bore me! I love these stories and am very proud of you!! I love you!!xoxo
This is your gift to us and we love it! Hope you continue to update us for a very long time. Love you!