It’s been a while since I’ve done a monthly update on Celia & she has changed so much over the last few months! Her vibrant & silly personality always puts a smile on my face. She is curious, independent & way smarter than we give her credit for. If she sees or hears something once, she remembers it forever, which can be good & bad!

Age: 18 Months (almost time to quit counting in months)
Clothes: Wearing mostly 18 months. She has some 24 m & 2T shirts. She is now wearing a size 5 shoe & just got some new ones for spring! Thanks for the Nikes, Auntie Say!!!
Favorite Foods: Pasta, Apples, Cheese, Berries, & Goldfish. Also this girl loves to snack. She is constantly running to the cupboards saying “nack peese”.
Favorite Words: Animals & animal sounds, “nee how” (aka need help) and our new favorite “tank you!” If you ask her how old she is she’ll say “two” but hold up one finger. So half right. She also knows all of her body parts & loves pointing them out on herself, us, Bauer…
Favorite Activities: Oh, where to begin! This little girl is enthusiastic about everything! She’s obsessed with coloring, painting & bubbles. She loves exploring, taking walks & climbing all over the park. She also loves to dance & sing. She loves to imitate what they do in music videos so I’ve been more careful about what I put on before I have a twerking toddler on my hands…
Favorite Things: She loves “Melmo”. We went to see Sesame Street Live a couple weeks ago & she was over the moon. Anytime Elmo would leave the stage she’d put up her hands & say “oh nooo!”. She also loves Barney, Doc McStuffins & Mickey Mouse. Not to mention Frozen…. still.
Signature Moves: Besides dancing & singing I’d say her number one move is saying “no”. Yup. She just loves to tell us no & wave her hand at us with such attitude. She’s definitely a very strong willed little munchkin. Not to mention a mini adult. She wants to do everything Quay & I do. When I’m cooking, she’s in her little kitchen cooking. When Quay’s drinking from his cup, her cup is no longer good enough & she needs Daddy’s big cup. She also gets her little broom & dustpan out whenever we do. She takes my keys every morning & insists on locking the front door & unlocking the car door. Anytime we offer help she says “no, mine.” Needless to say it’s been taking longer & longer just to get out of the house.
Mom’s Proudest Moment: To me proudest moment is synonymous with parenting fail. Which there are a ton but most recently Celia was eating a ‘nana’ & mama decided she was hungry, too. I made the mistake of getting some pretzels & nutella for myself right in front of my 18 month old thinking she was enjoying her own snack. Wrong. She wanted a bite… and then two… three…. & then this happened…
Dad’s Proudest Moment:. Celia has daddy wrapped around her little finger. He is so smitten with her that usually when he has to tell her no or not to do something she just has to do something cute (which to Quay is everything & anything- I can’t blame him) & then she has Daddy laughing and is completely off the hook. Yup & there’s about to be two little daddy’s girls running around here. Not to mention Mommy. Good thing Daddy has his Bauer bud.
Other Milestones: She’s in a big girl bed! She got up once the first night & we just tucked her back in and that’s it. She’s been sleeping through the night in it ever since. We put her sound machine & ladybug nightlight on, she gives us hugs & kisses and then climbs in herself, snuggling up to her baby doll. We seriously have the best little kiddo when it comes to sleep. She’s always been amazing. I keep telling Quay that he still hasn’t experienced a baby’s sleep schedule & is probably in for a rude awakening with our next little babe.
We’ve kind of started potty training. She’s had a potty in the bathroom for awhile now & sits on it sometimes. I bought her big girl undies the other day & we’ve put up a little chart. Last weekend we were diaper free for a day & she got to put about two stickers on her chart…. mostly just messes which I expected. I know she is definitely capable & knows when she goes, she says “potty” after the fact. So I’d like to set aside a week & really go for it. Definitely before the baby arrives so I can avoid two little ones in diapers.
I love this age so incredibly much. I never want to forget all of the cute things she says & does. She amazes me on a daily basis at what she is learning & always has me in tears laughing. I really can’t put into words how much I love her, but I think that is all part of being a mama.
Love beyond measure.
xoxo Liz
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It is so wonderful you keep all of us updated. She is so special and we will see her soon. Love
What a great update! Really miss that happy smiling face! She is growing up so fast.
Great update! You and Quay are the best parents!
Love you all – Gma!