We had a nice Thanksgiving weekend complete with some karaoke & Christmas Vacation (the movie, which is our tradition to watch every year). It was Eloise’s first Thanksgiving- we got to spend it with all our loved ones. The night before we went to my dad’s for our non-traditional meal. This year it was italian! So yummy. Then we headed up to Boston & stuffed ourselves silly for two days. When we finally made our way back home, went out to eat with Quay’s family. SO MUCH FOOD. But so much fun being able to spend time with family. I am so very, very grateful.

We also got our tree up and decorated. Celia has been loving all the festiveness. Her favorite thing is looking for her Elf on the Shelf every morning & eating chocolate from her advent calendar.

And now, of course, it’s perfectly acceptable to play Christmas music non-stop, light Christmas candles and bake lots of cookies! :)

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
xoxo Liz
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We had a nice thanksgivings dinner with SueAnn and Tom.