As some of you can probably tell by now, I’m a lover of holidays. I love getting festive with the girls & this St. Paddy’s day was no different. We did a few themed crafts earlier in the week. We even got Uncle Ryan to join in on the fun!
We also made some yummy treats. The night before St. Patrick’s Day, Celia & I made some Lucky Charms milk pops to stick in the freezer. She was so happy to have them the next morning for breakfast. And I have to say they weren’t bad. Celia LOVED them! We even made an afternoon snack with the leftover Lucky Charms. The sweet + salty combo was perfection :)
Mimi made her way down for a visit for the day (as did Titi & Gigi a little later). We walked down to the water for some fresh air. Celia’s been wanting to go back to skip rocks again but now we have more snow?! Seriously?? It’s April! We’re so ready for the nice spring weather.
Two little leprechauns in their irish knits. Does it get any cuter?! By the way, Eloise was fascinated looking through the holes in the bottom of the wagon. She was bent over like that for most of the walk! Haha! Also those are just stickers on Celia’s ears ;)
We ended the day with some Lil Rhody ice cream. I am so lucky to have the two best little babes in town. They are growing way too fast on me though. Can you believe this is Celia’s THIRD St. Patrick’s Day?!
My little baby isn’t so little anymore & feels like Ellie is catching up fast. Happy 1st St. Paddy’s Day to you my sweet little Eloise!
xoxo Liz
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LOL! I was going to text you asking if Celia’s ears were pierced.
Great post!
All my love – Gma!
They are lucky to have a Mom who is so creative and fun. They are just so adorable. We have to get back out there to see them!