She’s crying. Because she’s tired. I rock her in my arms and she starts to settle down. She’s fighting sleep. Every so often she will open her eyes and look at me as if she’s checking that I’m still there. I give her a smile that says “Yes, baby girl, mama’s here.” And I always will be.

When she walks for the first time. When she falls and gets her first boo boo. When she’s singing in the background in the Christmas play. When she can’t make it through the night at her first sleepover. When she wants to try ballet. No, gymnastics. No, soccer. No, basketball. I’ll be there.

When the mean girls make her cry. When she gets an A on the science project we stayed up all night doing. When she thinks she’s not pretty. When all the boys point and laugh at her acne. When she has her first date. When her best friend switches schools senior year. When she gets a triple play in her all star game. I’ll be there.

When she is dropped off at her dorm room. When that boy breaks her heart. When she switches her major- four times. When she loses her way. When she finds the love of her life. When she gets the keys to her first place. When she gets a job that she actually enjoys. I’ll be there.

When two pink lines bring her the most amazing news. When she needs a place to live. When she’s been in labor over 24 hours and swears she can’t do it. When she holds her daughter for the first time. When she’s exhausted and the baby won’t sleep. When she’s rocking her baby girl and realizes what true happiness is. I’ll be there.

Through the hurts and the joys. I will hold her hand. I will pass the tissues. I will help her get back on her feet. I will smile with her. I will laugh with her. I will be there. Just like my mother. Today, tomorrow, always.


xoxo Liz


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5 thoughts on “I WILL BE THERE

  1. I look forward to your posts, Liz. You’re an amazing mother and writer. Thank you for sharing your posts. Seriously have the biggest lump in my throat from holding back tears. This post is beautiful!

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