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Age: 5 months old
Weight: 14 lbs 6 oz
Height: 26 inches (?)

Watch Me Grow: 


Milestones: First little ponytail! Ohh the first little hairdos crack me up! :D


This little lady can now roll around with ease. She’s become quite the rolie polie, especially since she found her feet! She loves to grab onto them & roll from side to side. It’s pretty much my favorite thing ever.


She also celebrated her very first Christmas last month. If you missed my last post, click here to see all the festive cuteness.


Sleep: Towards the end of last month she started to wake a couple times throughout the night. Her doctor said that her gums are all really swollen so I’m going to chalk it up to teething. Hope they cut through soon to ease my little munchkin’s pain. Until then lots of snuggles, ice, & nursing for comfort!


Best Moment: When Eloise was fussing & nothing seemed to help- over came big sister making a funny face for her & Ellie LAUGHED! Seriously. I’m not kidding when I say these girls are best friends & both love each other so much. It goes both ways. Celia woke up from nap the other day crying. Not sure if it was a bad dream or what but the tears stopped as soon as she saw Ellie belly. She immediately smiled, “Baby!!” Oh man, it melts my mama heart.

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Eating: Eloise turned 5 months on the first & that weekend she tried her first solids! She had some baby cereal & loved it. I remember it took big sis a little while to get the hang of it but Eloise ate it all up from the start!


Health: She had her first little cold that came with a double ear infection. But she hardly complained, she’s a very happy little baby. She’s always so smiley. She was better within a couple days & is now healthy as can be. She’s in size 2 diapers & pretty much into 6 months clothing now. A couple 3 month onesies fit but that’s pretty much it.

Things I Want To Remember: Even though she is already SO big, I want to remember just how little she is. Celia’s baby stage passed way too quickly. And now I’m more aware of just how precious this time is. So I make sure to snuggle every chance I get, to take in all her tiny features. I kiss her soft skin, breathe in her sweet smell. I literally just stare at her all the time. I don’t want this to go by so quickly. Oh please slow down & stay my little (immobile) babe awhile longer.


Big Sis/Lil Sis: Here is the link to Celia’s FIVE MONTH UPDATE.


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  1. I love when you compare the girls pictures. If you
    put a picture of one of them on front of me, I wouldn’t know which one it is!
    Love – Gma!

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