Age: 8 months old
Weight: 17.6 lbs
Height: 27.5 inches
Watch Me Grow:
Milestones: This little munchkin said her first word, “dada”. Very exciting! Celia’s first word was mama so I guess Quay wins this one ;) Her new favorite is clapping! Although much like her sister she’s not one to do things on command. She claps all the time at home but as soon as we try & get her to show someone- nothing. Good thing I have it on video or no one would believe us! (All our videos are on Quay’s computer so if there’s no clip inserted here- blame him!) She’s also getting around a lot more now- she’s got the army crawl thing going on. She likes getting up on her knees but still just rocks a bit & then gives up. She’s dying to keep up with big sis though!!
This month we’ve also had to make a bit of an adjustment. I started nannying three days a week & the girls come with me. Three full days away from home took some getting used to but we’re all starting to settle into a new routine. The girls just adore our new little buddy. He’s 5 months old & such a little sweetie!
Eloise celebrated her first Easter, too. If you missed that post, here’s the link so you can check out all the adorable photos :)
Sleep: She takes about a 45 minute morning nap & usually about 2 hours in the afternoon. At night she was sleeping through but now she seems to be waking up at around 3am to nurse & then goes right back down. I think it may be due to teething. She has her two bottom ones but the two top seem to be a bit swollen so I expect them to come through soon.
Best Moment: We are always SO busy on the weekends, but when we get a chance to just relax & spend it as a family of four- those are great! This trip to the park was my favorite. Ellie had a blast on the swings & went down some slides with big sis!
Eating: She’s pretty much eating everything that we eat now. She’s OBSESSED with puffs. And blueberries. She just can’t get enough.
Health: She’s one happy & healthy little chunk! She’s practically busting out of her 6 month clothes. Time to bring out the 9-12 month clothes. Just wish this weather would warm up a bit. I think Ellie’s going to love the beach like Celia. She’s starting to really love swim class & splashes up a storm during bath time, usually with a big old smile on her face.
Things I Want To Remember: Playing peek-a-boo! The other day she actually started playing with me first. She was sitting in her high chair & then turned her head to the side smiling, looking away from me. She then quickly turned her head back to me & repeated this a couple times. I finally caught on she was trying to hide from me & started saying “peek-a-boo!” She started laughing every time I said it. So stinkin’ cute!
Big Sis/Lil Sis: Here is the link to Celia’s EIGHT MONTH UPDATE.
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